Monday, October 31, 2016

A Site Worth Visiting, Top 100 Most Important Wikileaks Emails!

Thursday, October 27, 2016


    America, the greatest nation in the world, or is it? Perhaps long ago when President Ronald Reagan was president, America was the greatest nation in the world, but at present we are no more. We are not the greatest nation as we have somehow become one of the most, if not the most corrupt nation in the world. For years Americans have suspected our president as being guilty of treason, yet we've lived our lives in blissful ignorance. For years we've known former Secretary Clinton was nothing more than a con, yet we've looked the other way. We've looked the other way until today. Today we have a woman running for the presidency, who had she not bore the name "Clinton", she'd likely be in prison for her crimes. As disgusting as it is, America has most probably the most corrupt politician in the history of the United Ststes headed for the White House. That is unless we as Americans step up to the plate and vote for a man who is not a lifelong corrupt politician. That man would be Donald J. Trump. 

    Donald J. Trump is America's last and only hope for salvation. While he may not be the candidate of every one's dreams, he is a candidate that will never ever let America down. Donald J. Trump could never in his lifetime even think of competing with Hillary Clinton in mastering corruption. Donald J. Trump is a man who loves his country. Donald J. Trump is a true patriot. While Hillary Clinton mocks the American people, Donald J. Trump praises the American people. While Hillary Clinton has a dream for globalization and being one with the world, Donald J. Trump has a dream for America and Americans. While Hillary Clinton intends on bringing millions of Syrian refugees into America, thus destroying America as Europe is being destroyed, Donald J. Trump intends on closing our borders making America a better and safer place. Donald J. Trump is America's last chance. Anyone doubting the man that Donald J. Trump is, and his passion for America need just do one thing. One thing is all that is needed to show every American how wrong Hillary is for America. That one thing is read. Read the Wikileaks emails, and if not in their entirety, read this summary of what has been released by Julian Assange of Wikileaks thus far. 

        DRIP DRIP, HILLARY'S CAMPAIGN EXPOSED (allegedly from Podesta inbox) 

*Podesta wised San Bernardino shooter was named "Chris" or "Christopher Hayes

*Qatar gift offer

*Advisor: "say yes"to donations from lobbyists

*Mook called Clinton's taxes and health "hyper sensitive" issues

*Politico reporter offered campaign chance to edit story

*Focus group tested that Obama's father was a Muslim

*Asked potential voters about Obama's past cocaine use

*Campaign believed Obama committed voter fraud in 2008

*Hillary wanted Obamacare to unravel

*Podesta called Sen. Bernie Sanders a "doofas"

*Campaign found gender pay gap at Clinton Foundation (women are paid less)

*Podesta listed potential VIP candidates by radical and gender "food groups"

*Aides thought Obama's remarks about private server didn't make sense.

*Obama knew about Hillary's private email account

*Clinton has public ans private positions on issues (another words, she lies)

*Hillary claimed Saudi Arabia ans Qatar funded ISIS

*Hillary showed concern about vetting refugees (there in no way to vet refugees)

*Hillary bragged about being invited to Putin's "inner sanctum"

*Hillary said she's removed from struggles of middle class

*Campaign attacked Catholics and Evangelicals

*Hillary admitted Syria no-fly zone would be very difficult

*Hillary went back and forth over Keystone pipeline

*Hillary said fracking was a "gift' in paid speech

*Hillary praised Wall Street in paid speeches

*Hillary supported a plan that would cut social security

*Hillary showed support for "open borders"

*Hillary hated using the phrase "everyday Americans"

*CNBC's John Harwood offered advice

*New York Times allowed quote edits

*Boston Globe pumped up campaign

*Univision pressured to attack Trump

*MSNBC Producer praised Hillary

*Podesta called Latinos "needy"

*Campaign colluded with the DOJ and State Dept. over released documents

*Hillary solicited $12M Donation from King of Morocco

*Hillary ally questions about Bill's conflicts of interest

*Campaign viciously attacked David Axelrod

*Campaign notes Hillary had many different opinions on single payer

*Podesta's daughter thought Hillary's "with a cloth" comment was scary

*Donna Brazile trashed Obama's economy

*Donna Brazil bragged about media support

*Donna Brazile leaked a Town hall question to the campaign

*CNBC's John Harwood tried to have lunch with Podesta

*Hillary had 80+ potential campaign slogans

*Katie Couric offered to "showcase" Hillary's "personality" in potential interview

*CNBC's John Harwood mocked reporters who asked Hillary tough questions

*Aides discussed strategy to turn over Clinton's email server to DOJ

*Planned parenthood thanked campaign for speaking out against under cover taps

*Clinton ally said Hillary "doesn't seem to know what planet we are all lining on at the moment

*Bill Deblasio colluded with campaign on Joe Biden running for president

*Hillary was fed debate question

*Debate moderator in the tank for Hillary

*Media let Democrat edit storied

*Hillary wines and dines media

"Bin Laden raid leaks

*"better" if terrorist was a white man

*Bill's "sex life" could be "damaging"

*Chelsea "a spoiled brat"

*Apologies are Hillary's "Achilles heel"

*Hillary is often "confused" and "naps"

*Reuters offered to share House Benghazi committee intel with Clinton campaign

*At least 65 MSM reporters were meeting with and or coordinating offline with top Hillary advisers

 Also in the WIKILEAKS emails is the fake "grope plot" against Donald Trump. In May 2016 the campaign devised a fake Trump "grope under the meeting table through a fake Craig's List advertisement. In addition to numerous revelations as discovered in the Podesta emails, Julian Assange proves that Hillary Clinton deserves to be imprisoned for her crimes against the state.  

*Huma Abedin said Hillary is "still not perfect in her head"

*Podesta and aide criticized Hillary's instincts

*Aide wrote "there is just no good answer" on server scandal

*Podesta said Obamacare premium increases are politically deadly

*Cheryl Mills wrote 'we need to clean this up" about Pres. Obama's comments on Hillary's server

*Podesta called Hillary's email scandal a "hot mess"

*Journalists who covered Hillary were invited to her campaign manager's house;
                 *ABC                            *CNN                                *NEW YORK TIMES
                 *ASSOCIATED PRESS     *HUFFINGTON POST          *NPR                 *AURN                         *LA TIMES                        *POLITICO                 *BLOOMBERG                                        *MCCLATCHY                    *REUTERS
                 *BUZZFEED                  *MSNBC                            *THE HILL
                 *CBS                            *NATIONAL JOURNAL        *WALL STREET JOURNAL
                 *CNBC                          *NBC                                *WASHINGTON POST

*Campaign discussed "vulnerability points" at the Clinton Foundation

*Staff raised concerns about Hillary's health

*Campaign feared a potential 2016 Joe Biden Presidential run

*Co-Chair of transition team said "they wanted to get away with it" on server scandal

*Reuters offered to share House Benghazi Committee intel with campaign

*Campaign worried about visa issue after San Bernardino attack

*Miss Universe attack on Trump was planned for months

*Bill Clinton cancelled speech to Wall Street Bank After Hillary announced candidacy

*Hillary aide said "American economic dynamism is weakening"

*Campaign discussed making a joke about email server scandal

*Hillary solicited $12M donation from King of Morocco

*Hillary Ally raised question about Bill's conflicts of interest

*Campaign viciously attacked David Axelrod

*Campaign notes Hillary had many different opinions on single payer

*Podesta's daughter thought Hillary's "with a a cloth" comment was scary

*"We need to clean this up -he has emails from her-they do not say "State Gov." re. Obama 

*"There just is not good answer"

*"We need to gut through the process phase, get them all out there and let the content do the talking"

* Hillary plans to use executive order to make gun manufacturers legally liable for deaths caused by their guns. Ridiculous, as it would be like Ford or Chevrolet being held liable for anyone who is killed in a car crash. Even Bernie Sanders thought it was crazy. 

   Thousands of emails have been released, giving every American thousands of reasons why Hillary Clinton should never ever be president of the United States. Perhaps the most incriminating emails were the 1700  emails directly linking Hillary to Libya, Syria, and Al Qaeda and ISIS. The emails reveal that Hillary and her State Department were arming Islamic Jihadists including the Islamic State in Syria. During Obama's second term, Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State authorized the shipment of American made arms to Qatar. Qatar, beholden to the "Muslim brotherhood", were friendly with the Libyan rebels who wished to defeat the Libyan/Qaddafi regime.Then, in turn, the arms were shipped to Syria to defeat Assad in Syria as well. Hillary orchestrated the "friends of Syria" or "ISIS" backed by the CIA insurgency as to topple Asaad in Syria. While the U.S. arming Syria was clear in the WIKILEAKS emails, Hillary under oath denied having any knowledge of the arming of ISIS. 

    What is revealed to Americans in the WIKILEAKS released John Podesta emails, is that the Democratic party has an enemy of the state in their nominee. Hillary Clinton can not be trusted and can never be president. This is a woman that has again and again taken money from nations promoting terrorism. This is a woman who is in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood, who has openly stated their goal is to destroy western civilization as we know it, from within. This is a woman who will sell this country to the highest bidder for her own gain. Not only will Hillary Clinton sell this country out, but she has contempt for virtually every American. Hillary's camp has insulted Christians, Catholics, Jews, Latinos, and African Americans. Hillary has called more than half of America "deplorable". How then can a woman with such vile feelings towards the American people ever be a president for the people? The only group Hillary and her campaign haven't insulted are Muslims. Americans should be extremely concerned. America has a presidential candidate that has armed ISIS, and has insulted virtually all Americans, except Muslims. Hillary Clinton is NOT presidential material. What Hillary Clinton is, in my opinion, is an enemy of the State. Perhaps Hillary should run for political office in Qatar, Iran, or Saudi Arabia! America needs a patriot and Hillary Clinton is far from it. America has a true patriot in Donald J. Trump. That is why every American who loves his or her freedom must vote for Donald J. Trump. Americans must save this nation from the wrath of Hillary Clinton, and her seemingly ill intentions towards Americans and their freedoms. Let's make America great again, and safe again with Donald J. Trump!
(c)Sean Bianca GOPGIRL 2016 
 #MAGA #donaldtrumpforpresident #donaldtrump #women4trump


Thursday, October 20, 2016

The World Thanks Hillary For Sharing Our Nuclear Response Time!.


       If anyone had any doubt that Hillary Clinton would be a threat to our national security, that doubt should be erased. Hillary Clinton is the biggest threat to our national security and she again proved herself to be just that in last night's debate. In her attempt to prove Donald Trump "unfit" to have his hands on the nuclear code, Hillary proved herself to be "unfit" to have her hands on the nuclear code. Hillary told the entire world that "there's about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so." America can thank Hillary for putting our nation's nuclear response time out for the entire world to know. Hillary just showed America how careless she is with our national intelligence, again!
Again and again Hillary has proven her negligence with our nation's security. However, last night Hillary's telling all our nuclear response time truly took the cake. Hillary divulging our response time was just as dangerous as Vice President Joe Biden telling the world that he has a man that follows him wherever he goes with the nuclear codes. Biden even pointed the man out. Never did I think I would see the day when Hillary Clinton would be as idiotic as Joe Biden! Last night the whole world saw Hillary to be nothing short of a dingbat with her statement regarding our nuclear response time. Of course, let's consider the source. This is a woman who chose to use an unsecured server for her email which was used to send and receive classified material. While Trump had a great debate last night, he dropped the ball in regards to Hillary criticizing Trump for quoting the Wikileaks' John Podesta emails. One statement was all that was needed. "Secretary Clinton, had you used a secured server, Russia and everyone else under the sun would not have been able to hack your emails"! Slam dunk!
(c)Sean Bianca GOPGIRL 2016
#women4trump #MAGA #donaldtrumpforpresident #donaldtrump2016

The Day Bill Clinton Grabbed my Breasts

Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Media, Lies, Wikileaks, War, And More!

     It has been said that some need to lose something as to appreciate that something. It is my fear that many Americans need to lose their freedoms as to appreciate those freedoms. What is unfortunate and tragic is those who do appreciate the freedoms America has given will lose those freedoms as well. With the election of Barrack Hussein Obama, America has already seen a loss of freedom. We no longer can choose our health plan. The government now has full jurisdiction of our health plan and it's been nothing short of disastrous. Sadly, millions of Americans either can not afford health insurance or are not getting the health care they so desperately need. Another freedom America has lost is freedom of speech. That loss of our freedom of speech has resulted in the mainstream media reporting only what the government wants the public to hear. While Fox News at one time went against the grain and told Americans the truth, they too have of recent changed with the tide. What is sad is that in a nation of millions of educated persons, so many are being fooled. They are being fooled as we already are much like a communist nation and the foolish are being blindsided. When the mainstream media instructs their employees to take a presidential candidate down, our freedom of speech has been lost. Mainstream media employees have been told they will be fired if they do not trash talk Donald Trump. With that being said, America is losing.America is losing as America is getting only one side of the story. America is getting the Hillary Clinton and Obama side of the story. In receiving only one side of the story, it is America and its people that lose.

     Jessica Leeds, a 74 year old woman with a phone number coming from the Clinton Foundation, is what our mainstream media has chosen for Americans to hear. A U.S. navy destroyer is the target of three failed attacks by Yemen and a 74 year old woman lying about being groped is what's all abuzz? A 74 year old woman that claims she had her breasts groped on an airplane by Donald Trump 35 years ago and the media finds this more newsworthy than our Navy destroyer being attacked? It's laughable! Leeds claimed she had had enough when Trump put his hands up her skirt. I guess that was the breaking point. I don't know about anyone else, but I have not ,nor will I ever let a strange man on an airplane or anywhere grope my breasts for 15 minutes, and nor did Jessica Leeds. According to a British passenger on the airplane, Jessica Leeds' accounting of her airplane groping by Trump is a lie. A lie? Imagine that, a lie from the Clinton campaign? The trouble is the Clinton campaign is all lies. So far 6 women have come forward alleging that Donald Trump groped them or kissed them. From what I heard the Clinton campaign will have a total of 18. As Jessica Leeds was found lying in her accusation so too has another woman. Another woman apparently applied for a job with the Trump Organization after the time Trump supposedly had treated her inappropriately. Clearly the woman is lying. Clearly what has come out in the Podesta emails is true as what was said is coming to fruition.  The Podesta emails confess that the only way Clinton will win this election is to portray Donald Trump as sexual predator, which he is not.

   Lies are what Hillary Clinton and her campaign have been feeding the American people. The American people may well be voting in the most important election of our time and we have a  corrupt presidential candidate that is and has been controlling the media. Sadly, the American people are in the dark as to what's truth and what is taking place around the world. The media has chosen to barely report on our destroyer being attacked by Yemen. An act of war has been declared on America and we are listening to lies! A threat has been made on America by ISIS and we're talking about fabricated lies made by the Hillary campaign? . ISIS? Remember them? Yes, ISIS still exists and is rampant, but the media would have Americans believe otherwise. ISIS has threatened to use an exploding drone on America, and apparently already has elsewhere. Chemical weapons have been used on our soldiers in Iraq and few Americans even know. Essentially, Americans know nothing of what is happening in the world as that is what Hillary and Obama both want! Thousands of Wikileaks emails have been dumped implicating Hillary Clinton, her campaign and Obama in various wrongdoings and Americans are clueless! While Americans were up in arms over Hillary's calling Trump's supporters "deplorable", that was just the tip of the iceberg. As revealed in the Podesta emails, the Clinton campaign has mocked Catholics, African Americans, Southerners and Jews. The campaign even went so far as to call their own Hispanic party leaders "needy Latinos".  

  Wikileaks emails, remember Julian Assange was to dump thousands of emails? Well, he did. What was in those emails were mountains of evidence against Hillary Clinton and her campaign. In emails released just today, John Podesta confesses to the hoax of numerous women that will come forward alleging that Donald Trump touched them inappropriately. Podesta claims that the only way Hillary will win against Trump is if they can make Trump out to be a sexual pervert. The campaign also went so far as to create a  fake Craig's list account for women applying to what they think is the Trump organization. Also stated in Hillary's campaign manager's emails:

     "Obama is the only candidate at a recent event not to cover his heart during the national anthem and he has stopped wearing an American Flag pin." -Jan.9, 2008 

"Obama benefited from a land deal from a contributor who has been indicted for corruption." -Jan.9.2008 

"Obama would personally negotiate with the leaders of terrorist nation nations like Iran and North Korea without preconditions." -Jan.9,2008

"Obama voted against allowing people to use handguns to defend themselves against intruders." -Jan.9,2008

"Obama plans to raise taxes by 180 billion dollars a year to pay for his government -run health care plan."-Jan.9 2008

"Obama voted repeatedly against emergency funding bills for U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan."-Jan.9,2008

"Obama's father was a Muslim and Obama grew up among Muslims in the world's most populous Islamic country."-Jan. 9, 2008

"Obama is ranked as one of the ten most liberal members of the senate because of his support of issues like gay adoption."-Jan. 9, 2008

"Obama voted against requiring medical care for aborted fetuses who survive the procedure."-Jan. 9,2008

"Obama supports giving driver's licences to undocumented immigrants."-Jan. 9, 2008

"Obama described his former use of cocaine as using a little blow." - Jan, 9, 2008

"Needy Latinos and 1 easy call."- Aug. 21, 2015

 Also found in emails :
           *CNBCs John Harwood's offered advice
           *NYT allowed quote edits
           *Boston Globe pumped up campaign
           *Univision pressured to attack Trump
           *Campaign bragged about media support
           *Brazile leaked town hall question

   We, the people, are the ones who are getting the raw end of the deal in this election. We, the people, who once lived in a nation where we were free, are free no more. We, the people, are little slaves working for the government and the global elite. There was a time when prior to an election, the people knew for whom and for what they were voting and for whom they were against. We, the people, are being given no facts, just falsities. When we are given the truth, we are only given a small portion of the story. When this election is said and done, America will either have reason to lift their heads high, or bow their heads down in despair. If Donald Trump is elected, I believe America will have been given a chance to make America great again, safe again, and free again. If Hillary Clinton is elected, mark my words,America will fall from grace and be no more. 
(c)Sean Bianca GOPGIRLBLOG
#MAGA #donaldtrump #donaldtrumpforpresident 

Megyn Kelly on Howard Stern Show, 2010

Megyn Kelly on Howard Stern Show, 2010

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

GOP, Stand By your Candidate!

#paulryan #gop #donaldtrumpforpresident #MAGA #women4trump

Round 2 Trump Wins!


              "Because you would be in jail!" - Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton 

       Without question, Donald J. Trump hands down, hook line and sinker won Sunday night's debate. With the odds stacked against him, Donald Trump prevailed and proved himself to be the man of the hour. Fact after fact, zinger after zinger, Donald Trump nailed it. Nailed it, did he ever! Donald Trump had to perform well at the second debate and he did. After having everything thrown at him but the kitchen sink by the Democrats, an outstanding performance is what was needed, and Trump stepped up to the plate. Not only did he step up to the plate, but he owned the plate!

      Donald Trump brought out everything and more at the latest debate. Any failing of Hillary's that was not mentioned or barely mentioned at the first debate was discussed in great detail at the 2nd debate. Trump did not disappoint his supporters in this debate. He attacked Hillary for her deleting of thousands of emails after being subpoenaed. He attacked her with the FBI mysteriously losing 2 boxes of emails only days ago. He attacked with her treatment of the women Hillary's husband had raped and or sexually assaulted. He attacked her for her failing to answer the call at 3 a.m. as to aid those being attacked in Benghazi, resulting in four deaths. He attacked her for aiding and arming ISIS along with President Obama. He reminded her of friend, Michelle Obama, and Michelle's poor opinion of her in the last election. He attacked her with her proposal of higher taxes for everyone, depleting our military, and allowing thousands more unvetted Syrian refugees into the U.S.. He attacked her for having two persona's, private and public. Essentially there was very little that Donald Trump forgot. Donald Trump accomplished what he needed to do. He needed to expose Hillary for the corrupt politician that she is, and he did.

   Then again, did he? To watch mainstream media on would be led to believe that Donald Trump lost. The mainstream media flooded the air waves with chatter of Trump continuously bickering and interrupting. One columnist called Trump whiny, Another described Trump as stalking Hillary Clinton. Those comments could be true, but what the media left out is why Trump interrupted, and why he engaged in bickering. Donald Trump interrupted, because it was what was required. Had Trump not interrupted, he never would have gotten is point out to the public. Had Trump not bickered with the moderators, he would not have been able to answer the questions in entirety. When Trump said "one on three" he was correct. The debate was indeed "one on three". The debate was not a debate between two candidates. The debate was one candidate against a candidate and two moderators. Anderson Cooper and Martha Raddatz were shameful in how they conducted Sunday's debate. Hillary Clinton was given not just two minutes to answer questions, but 3 and 4 minutes. Donald Trump on the other hand was at times not even given his two minutes. While the lack of time given to Trump was frustrating to watch, the moderators aiding Hillary Clinton was all the more frustrating. Since when do moderators aid and attack the candidates? Since Candy Crowley shut Mitt Romney down in the last debate for the 2012 election, that's when. No, suddenly moderators feel free to not just ask questions, but attack the candidate they don't support as well. In watching the debate, I questioned why the debate was being held at all. In watching this spectacle of a debate, it was clear that Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper did not want a debate. They wanted nothing more than a Hillary Clinton love fest. Unfortunately for Hillary, the moderators and Hillary's supporters, it wasn't a love fest at all, as Donald Trump won "big league" despite the biased circumstances.

     While Donald Trump did without question win Sunday's debate, America lost. America lost and is losing on a daily basis. It has become apparent that mainstream media is clearly bought and paid for by the left. Fox News Commentator Bill O'Reilly stated that at least 3 media organizations have "ordered their employees to destroy Donald Trump". In a sit down with Fox News' Bill Hemmer, O'Reilly stated that he is "100% convinced" of a media plot against Trump. "I'm talking about big conglomerates. ... News organizations have sent, not officially but through the corporate grapevine, [word] that we don't want anybody supporting Trump. If you study it, you can see which ones they are." Bill, in my opinion, ALL of the mainstream media is against Trump, including Fox!

  Donald Trump is not to be blamed for his complaints of how the media has treated him. One debate with liberal moderators would be bad enough, but three debates with liberals for moderators is just not fair. It's not fair to Donald Trump and it's even more unfair to America. If the media were fair, Donald Trump would have at least one debate with true conservatives for debate moderators. Wouldn't conservative and independent voters be blessed if a debate were held with Fox News' Sean Hannity and Judge Jeanine as moderators? I can only guess at the side of Hillary, America would see at that debate. In this last debate, Hillary was clearly at a loss for words and rattled, so one would imagine Hillary would implode at a debate in which she is the one against three! America, no doubt has to agree that Trump handled his unfair situation in the debate with flying colors. 

  Sunday's debate was won without question by Donald Trump. In a poll of undecided voters conducted by Fox News' Frank Luntz, Hillary was the clear loser. When asked how these undecided voters would describe Hillary Clinton, the comments were not kind. "Disingenuous", "not worthy of my vote", "nothing new",  and "she didn't apologize to those women she bashed", were the comments made about the Democratic candidate. Upon walking into the debate, Hillary Clinton had around 8 of those voters leaning for her and only 3-4 were for Donald Trump. At the debate's end, the majority of the panel was for Donald Trump and all of 3-4 were for Hillary Clinton. As much as Fox News' Megyn Kelly wanted to boast of a Hillary win, her network's panel showed otherwise. It is my hope that America will be given the chance to prove to the media that their "Prima Donna" candidate is not the candidate they want for their next president. November 8th Americans have a choice. That choice is "do they want a criminal for a president that tells them one thing, but thinks and does another", or do they want a completely in-politically correct man for president that tells it like it is and loves his country"? First and foremost, a president should love their country, and Hillary Clinton has a proven track record of showing she does not love her country. If you love your country, you don't send Americans to die and be tortured in the most dangerous country on earth. Ambassador Stevens and the others were in Benghazi to help Hillary Clinton and President Obama's agenda. Yesterday Wikileaks released thousands of emails where it is in print that she aided ISIS and countries aiding ISIS. I believe that is grounds for treason, but she's a Clinton so she gets a pass. If elected, Donald J.Trump will do America proud, prosecute Hillary Clinton for her crimes, and make America safe again. Hillary can not make America safe again, as she has been aiding and abetting the enemy. America needs a patriot for president, not a traitor for president. That man is Donald J. Trump!
(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL 2016
#donaldtrump2016 #women4trump #MAGA #donaldtrumpforpresident


Saturday, October 8, 2016

The "Real Story" Is Hillary!


 For better, for worse, through thick and through thin, I am with Donald J. Trump. I am with Donald J. Trump, as I have always felt and still feel he is the best candidate for the presidency. There is nothing Hillary Clinton, her campaign, or the mainstream media can say, or shell out that will change my opinion of Donald Trump. If Hillary and her camp seriously think what Donald Trump said in a private conversation eleven years ago is of any importance to me or millions of other Trump supporters, they are sadly mistaken. What is of importance is not what Donald Trump said eleven years ago, but what Hillary Clinton has done and has said in recent years.

     It is absolutely sickening that the mainstream media has been reporting on a statement made by Donald Trump 11 years ago, but it is to be expected. It is expected as it is a mere "distraction" from the real story. The real story at present is not that Donald Trump said the word "pussy" 11 years ago, but excerpts from Hillary Clinton's Wall Street speeches, revealing Hillary's plans for "open borders and open trade". The "real story" is not that Donald Trump was a typical guy 11 years ago, but that Hillary Clinton funded both radical Islam and ISIS as stated by Wikileaks founder, Julien Assange. The fact is, the "real story" was not reported by the mainstream media. The "real story" was not reported, as the media preferred to report on what was nothing more than a "mere distraction".

    Yes , the "real story" is not Donald Trump. The "real story is "Hillary Clinton" and the 2049 emails that Wikileaks just dumped of over 50,000 emails soon to be leaked, involving  Hillary's campaign manager, John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, and her staff. America does not care what Donald Trump said in a private conversation. America does care about Hillary Clinton's true thoughts and plans for the United States. America should know what was said in a speech made in 2013 to a Brazilian Bank. In that speech Hillary stated, that "her dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade, and open borders". She stated to the National Multifamily Housing Council that same year, that she believed that "in politics you need both a public and a private position". In February 2014, she told the people of Goldman Sachs that she and husband Bill were "kind of far removed" from the middle class. These statements are just the tip of the iceberg of what has been discovered in the latest of the Wilkileaks emails. Over 48,000 emails are to come, but sadly the media cares not. It could be revealed that Hillary Clinton point blank shot someone and the media would fail to report on it. 

   Hillary Clinton did not shoot anyone to my knowledge, but she might as well have. Hillary Clinton said Donald Trump's statement using the word "pussy" was horrific. Well, Hillary, "horrific" is leaving Americans to die in Benghazi. Horrific is Christopher Stevens  being sodomized, burned, having his genitals cut off and being tortured. Horrific is Americans fighting for 13 hours and having no aid sent by your country. Horrific is Hillary Clinton being responsible for four men dying in Benghazi. Horrific is Hillary Clinton funding radical Islam and the terrorist group, ISIS, as reported by WikiLeaks' founder Julien Assange.  While Hillary Clinton has not as of yet point blank shot anyone, she didn't have to. ISIS has killed thousands with their own weapons. Hillary Clinton being so greedy as to deal with ISIS is what is truly horrific. What is also horrific is a presidential candidate calling for the assasination of a man by way of a drone. Horrific is that a presidential candidate can still run for president even after threatening to take a man's life; that man being Julien Assange. While just about everything about and surrounding Hillary Clinton is horrific, what is most horrific, is that the media fails to report on any and all wrong doings by Hillary Clinton.

     At present it pains me to even turn on the television. I no longer feel as though I feel in a country that provides "freedom of speech". The media has clearly been bought and paid for by Obama and the Clintons. The media no longer reports the news. The media reports the "Clintons". The news is no longer the news. It is merely a way of our government reporting what they choose for the American people to hear. The news is also about whom the Clintons choose to trash and destroy and what the Clintons choose for the American people to hear. The news it not the news at all. It is a fairy-tale and a nightmare all at the same time. The news is a fairy-tale for the Clintons and Obama while at the same time it is a nightmare for the people of the United States.

  I, yesterday, today, and tomorrow stand with Donald Trump and I will continue to stand with Donald Trump. I will stand by my candidate until election day when I and millions of other Americans vote for him to be the next president of the United States. You see, it doesn't matter to me what Donald Trump said eleven years ago. It matters what he says today. Donald Trump will close our borders. Hillary will not. Donald Trump will lower taxes for all. Hillary will raise taxes for all. Donald Trump will rebuild a depleted military keeping us safe. Hillary will deplete it even more. Donald Trump will create jobs as he has all his life. Hillary hasn't a clue on creating jobs, but her tax hike will cost jobs, no doubt. Donald Trump will make better trade deals. Hillary will continue the status quo. Donald Trump will do away with the un-affordable and failed Obama Care. Hillary will keep Obama Care. Donald Trump will rebuild a nation that is in decline while Hillary Clinton, if elected, will be America's demise. Donald Trump is my candidate, as he is truly a patriot who will make this country great again and safe again! 
(C)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL 2016
#women4trump #donaldtrumpforpresident #MAGA #donaldtrump2016 #13hours #Benghazi #HillaryfundsISIS #

Hillary and funding ISIS;

   Excerpts from Hillary's emails;

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Cost Of Syrian Refugees To You !


   Approximately $20,000 is the cost of each Syrian refugee that has been allowed into our country. That means a total of almost $240,000,000 of Americans' tax dollars is being spent on Syrian refugees. I suspect the number is much higher as it has been rumored that there are many more Syrian refugees. They just aren't documented. Not to mention that since 2007 the United States has taken in over 100,000 Somali refugees. Why? Why are we doing this? With the United States having a deficit of almost 20 trillion dollars, I ask what are we doing? What are we doing taking in thousands of Syrian and Somalian refugees when we are unable to take care of our own? Not only are we not able to take care of our own people, but we are unable to take care of our own country. Our bridges, dams, and roadways are declining and we are spending money taking in refugees. Why? Our airports are ancient and we are taking in refugees. Why? Our train stations, trains, and our railroads are in decline, and we are taking in refugees. Why? Veterans are dying waiting for much needed health care, and we are taking in refugees. Why? Millions of Americans are out of work and cannot afford health insurance, and we are taking in Syrian refugees. Why? The answer is that we are paying for the mistakes of President Obama and his sidekick Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton. Americans are paying for the guilt that both President Barrack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton have felt, due to their failure to stand by their meaningless "red line" in the sand. Obama's do nothing "red line" helped create the Syrian refugee crisis of today.

        Over $240,000,000 is being spent on Syrian refugees by the citizens of the United States. Meanwhile the five wealthiest nations in the Mid East refuse to take in a one Syrian refugee, for fear of ISIS. Wrap your head around that one! Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait will not take in one Syrian refugee and yet we have accepted over 12,000 this year alone. There's something seriously wrong with that. There's also something seriously wrong with the fact that at least 10% of the Syrian refugees will be from ISIS. Essentially we are helping the hand that wants to kill us. We are helping them to a tune of almost $20,000 per refugee. It certainly pays to be a refugee. It pays approximately $19,884. per refugee . That's $19,884. of our tax dollars going towards refugees that frankly, aren't our problem. However the fact is some 12,000 plus plus Syrian refugees are presently our problem.

    Some Americans may balk and think spending almost $20,000 per refugee is preposterous. Well it is. However, $20,000 is what our fearless leader has deemed fair for Syrian refugees. Case in point, thousands of Syrian refugees are living better than millions of Americans. Those Americans of whom are so unfortunate would be better off being a Syrian refugee. Each refugee upon arrival into the U.S. receives cash, welfare, housing, food stamps, medical care, and free clothing and shoes to the tune of $19,884, tax free! Each refugee not only receives aid from our government, but is also sure to soon join the workforce costing Americans jobs. Let it be known that it's great to be a Syrian refugee! All Americans should be so lucky. Unfortunately all Americans are not so lucky. 

    While our tax dollars going towards Syrian refugees is maddening, what's even more so is the fact that some of these people want to kill us. The U.S. government will have Americans believing that they have properly vetted the refugees and America is safe. Well, that just isn't true. The fact is, ISIS members and followers are in with the innocent Syrian refugees. Donald Trump's son, Eric Trump, was widely criticized for commenting that the Syrian refugees were like an handful of skittles. He said that only a few were needed to kill you. Well, he was right. In a group of 198 Syrian refugees that arrived on the Greek Island of Leros, there were four that were killers. Four people may seem like a small number and small concern to some, but those four people killed 130 people. Two percent of the 198 Syrian refugees seems minuscule, but their killing 130 people is far from minuscule. They were killed in what has been deemed as the worst attack on France since WWII. Those four had pledged their allegiance to ISIS. If one uses that same percentage roughly 200 people have been allowed into the United States that want to kill Americans. If four people can kill 130 people, 200 people could be capable of killing thousands!

     Obama and Hillary helped create the Syrian refugee crisis by not standing up for the Syrian people, and now they want Americans to pay. Literally, Americans are being made to pay for the mishaps of our president and Secretary Hillary Clinton. The war in Syria was not and is not, our war. It's high time we elect a president that will take care of Americans and not the citizens of fallen and terrorized nations. Hillary Clinton has proposed a 550% increase on the intake of Syrian refugees, and frankly America just can not afford them. America at present, is spending $200,000,000 on Syrian refugees. That's $200,000,000 American dollars going towards Syrian refugees alone. That is not even counting the Somalians, Mexicans, etc. In total, the State Department is said to have taken in approximately 95,000 refugees and asylees. Using that figure at $20,000. per refugee Americans are spending 1.9 billion dollars on refugees. Hillary Clinton, if elected, wants to increase our Syrian refugee intake to 55,000 per year that she is in office, in addition to the thousands of other refugees that America feels so obliged to take in. With Hillary's propose refugees intake plan America will be spending 2.6 billion dollars on refugees. Translation, hardworking Americans will be forever paying for these refugees. While it is heart wrenching to see men, women, and children endure the hardships of war, these refugees are not part of our war. Syria is not America's war. When Obama could have stood up to President Bashar Al-Assad and helped the Syrian people, he failed to do so.These refugees are Obama's failure to wage war as to ensure the safety of these refugees. Barrack Obama and Hillary failed to help the people of Syria and now they want to place the burden of the Syrian refugee crisis on Americans. No! America just can not afford to be kind due to the guilt of President Obama and Secretary Hillary Clinton. Essentially, Americans are being enslaved to Syrian refugees that are refugees due to the failings of Obama and Hillary. It must stop. Number one, we can not afford the added liability of the Syrian refugees, and number two, the allowance of un-vetted  Syrians just isn't safe! It's high time America elect a President that puts Americans wallets and their safety first! That president will be Donald J. Trump!
(c)Sean Bianca 2016
#women4trump #donaldtrumpforpresident #MAGA