Thursday, October 20, 2016

The World Thanks Hillary For Sharing Our Nuclear Response Time!.


       If anyone had any doubt that Hillary Clinton would be a threat to our national security, that doubt should be erased. Hillary Clinton is the biggest threat to our national security and she again proved herself to be just that in last night's debate. In her attempt to prove Donald Trump "unfit" to have his hands on the nuclear code, Hillary proved herself to be "unfit" to have her hands on the nuclear code. Hillary told the entire world that "there's about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so." America can thank Hillary for putting our nation's nuclear response time out for the entire world to know. Hillary just showed America how careless she is with our national intelligence, again!
Again and again Hillary has proven her negligence with our nation's security. However, last night Hillary's telling all our nuclear response time truly took the cake. Hillary divulging our response time was just as dangerous as Vice President Joe Biden telling the world that he has a man that follows him wherever he goes with the nuclear codes. Biden even pointed the man out. Never did I think I would see the day when Hillary Clinton would be as idiotic as Joe Biden! Last night the whole world saw Hillary to be nothing short of a dingbat with her statement regarding our nuclear response time. Of course, let's consider the source. This is a woman who chose to use an unsecured server for her email which was used to send and receive classified material. While Trump had a great debate last night, he dropped the ball in regards to Hillary criticizing Trump for quoting the Wikileaks' John Podesta emails. One statement was all that was needed. "Secretary Clinton, had you used a secured server, Russia and everyone else under the sun would not have been able to hack your emails"! Slam dunk!
(c)Sean Bianca GOPGIRL 2016
#women4trump #MAGA #donaldtrumpforpresident #donaldtrump2016

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