Tuesday, July 18, 2017

If Only Corpses Could Talk Continues !

 "The Clinton Foundation, they are criminals, they are thieves, they are liars, they are a disgrace."- Klaus Eberwein, last year at a protest at the headquarters of the Clinton Foundation

"The best revenge toward your haters is to be successful"-Klaus Eberwein on Twitter, 5/17/17

    Last year I wrote a blog,  "If Only Corpses Could Talk". The blog detailed six mysterious deaths of persons who had information regarding the Clintons and or the Democratic party and the party's alleged corruption. While there have been many many more mysterious deaths of persons who had worked for and or been involved with the Clintons, I focused on the six that had occurred last year. This year there are now two more corpses whom many wish could talk. Two more corpses of men whom I'm quite sure had much to tell. Much to tell about the Clintons, the most politically corrupt couple in the history of the United States.

     On July 11, 2017 Klaus Eberwein, age 50 shot himself in a hotel room in Miami, Florida. One might believe he would do such a thing if one read the story in the liberal based, Miami Herald on July 12, 2017. The Herald spoke of how Mr. Eberwein had fallen on hard times and faced allegations of fraud and corruption. While true, Mr. Eberwein had fallen on tough times, Eberwein had openly expressed to others that he felt his life was in danger. Mr. Eberwein had been a fierce critic of the Clintons. Just last year he had called the Clintons, criminals, thieves,  liars, and a disgrace. Mr. Eberwein was due to appear in front of a Haitian Senate Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission. As he was the former Director General of the Government Economic Development Agency, also known as FAES from May 2012 - February 2015, Eberwein is said to have had knowledge on misappropriated donations from international donors for the Haitian earthquake fund through the Clinton Foundation. Misappropriated, I'd say so. In fact, only 6% of the donations actually went to various Haitian Earthquake organizations. Another 9.6% went to the Haitian government, and the remaining 89.9% or $5.4 billion are said to have gone to non-Haitian organizations. It is believed that Mr. Eberwein was a wealth of knowledge regarding the missing funds. Unfortunately, a man whom a friend deemed "in good spirits", and found Eberwein's suicide, "really shocking"  will never be able to tell what he presumed to have known about the misappropriated donations.If only corpses could talk...

   On May 14, 2017 Peter Smith, a Republican donor, operative, businessman, and critic of the Clintons was found dead. Mr. Smith had committed suicide by placing a bag with attached helium over his head. Mr. Smith left a seemingly suspicious suicide note, allegedly saying, "NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER". Supposedly, also written in the note was that Smith was taking his own life due to a recent bad turn of health and a $5 million life insurance policy expiring. The note was oddly written in all capital letters. According to a Wall Street analyst who had spoken to Peter Smith the day before the supposed suicide, Smith showed no indications that he was about to take his own life. Smith's death occurred ten days prior to a Wall Street Journal article for which Smith had been interviewed. The article reported on Smith being in the middle of the Russian hackers and Hillary Clinton;s missing 30,000 missing emails of which Smith was attempting to obtain.  Smith was quoted as saying the Russian interface story "would die of its own weight". Unfortunately, Smith who had been a key source in the "Trooper-gate Scandal" findings that nearly derailed Bill Clinton's 1992 Campaign died first. If only corpses could talk...

    If only corpses could talk. What would they say? What do they know? What would they reveal? Unfortunately, there are far too many corpses of men, women, and children surrounding the Clintons. While suicide, suspicious deaths, and killings surrounding those with information regarding the Clintons could be simply a coincidence, it is simply quite suspicious. If only corpses could talk...
(c)Sean Bianca GOPGIRL 2017

#SethRichCoverUp #ShawnLucas #KlausEberweinSuicide #PeterSmithSuicide 



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